Nestled in the tranquility of the countryside, southeast of the city of Palermo and 290 meters from the Mancuso Bakery, lies a panoramic portion of a three-family villa that will make you fall in love. The residence spans two levels on the second and...
In a semi-central area near Via Giuseppe Sciuti and Via Galileo Galilei, less than 200 meters from the Viola Valeria Pharmacy, a large home on the seventh floor of an elegant twelve-story building with twenty-four apartments. The house is very spacious...
Inside a historic noble palace in the heart of the city, a warehouse on the first basement floor where you can bring your projects to life, the room has an armored door that opens onto a vast room of approximately 80 m2 (where there are two pillars ),...
Land in the Castellaccio Caputello district, at the foot of Monte Caputo, a small mountain massif that dominates Palermo and Monreale with its 764 meters of height, the mountain at its top is embellished by the presence of the Castellaccio di Monreale...
Located in a strategic position in the semi-central area of expansion of the urban centre, along the main arteries of Via Venero, Piazza Europa and from Via Aldo Moro itself which is accessed by climbing five comfortable steps above street level. Customers...
Located in a sunny position, this rectangular-shaped land is accessible via a small driveway that starts from number 62 of Via Regione Siciliana and crossing the land divides it into two parts, the larger portion is located upstream from the road, the...
Located in a strategic position just a few steps from the Municipal Police Headquarters, in one of the most central and well-served areas of the city, this apartment, despite being on the third floor (of a six-story building with thirteen residences),...
In the semi-central expansion area of the city centre, delimited by the road axis of Via Venero, Via Aldo Moro and Piazza Europa, where there are various buildings (residential, commercial or productive: civil and economic housing, garages, laboratories,...
In the hamlet of Pioppo above Strada Statale 186, a few meters from the Spazio Vitale S.r.l. rehabilitation centre, in a recently built building consisting of eight floors, two access staircases with 27 apartments, in the left staircase bright home on...
170 meters from the Giachery metro station and the bus stop, 290 meters from the port, specifically the ferry terminals for the SNAV and GNV Grandi Navi Veloci companies (serving routes to Tunis, Civitavecchia, Naples, and Cagliari), 350 meters from the...
At 210 meters from the Provincial Road of Pezzingoli or Provincial Road 68 in the locality of Caculla, and 1.5 km after the AcquaPark, a building located at 386 meters above sea level. (on average sea level) in a quiet countryside area, ideal for those...
We present two small houses, a few steps from the city center: in a building of only three floors, these two houses offer welcoming and intimate environments, perfect for enjoying the tranquility of Piazza Europa, a small green lung within the city; going...
290 meters from the Zuccaro S.n.c. in the upper part of the village, finished independent house on three levels with armored entrance door to living room with masonry kitchenette, dressing room and bathroom with shower on the ground floor, climbing six...
Warehouse inside an elegant residential complex consisting of two buildings (both seven floors) with twenty-three homes distributed over the five floors above ground, and fifty-three warehouses in the two basement floors, the premises are located in a...
In the suggestive Contrada Frassinelli e Mulini, less than 100 meters from the Todis Supermarket, sunny house in a four-family villa on the first floor with entrance, large air-conditioned living room with balcony, bright corridor, dining room with kitchenette,...
Nestled in the tranquility of the countryside, southeast of the city of Palermo and 290 meters from the Mancuso Bakery, lies a panoramic portion of a three-family villa that will make you fall in love....
In a semi-central area near Via Giuseppe Sciuti and Via Galileo Galilei, less than 200 meters from the Viola Valeria Pharmacy, a large home on the seventh floor of an elegant twelve-story building with...
Inside a historic noble palace in the heart of the city, a warehouse on the first basement floor where you can bring your projects to life, the room has an armored door that opens onto a vast room of approximately...
Land in the Castellaccio Caputello district, at the foot of Monte Caputo, a small mountain massif that dominates Palermo and Monreale with its 764 meters of height, the mountain at its top is embellished...
Located in a strategic position in the semi-central area of expansion of the urban centre, along the main arteries of Via Venero, Piazza Europa and from Via Aldo Moro itself which is accessed by climbing...
Located in a sunny position, this rectangular-shaped land is accessible via a small driveway that starts from number 62 of Via Regione Siciliana and crossing the land divides it into two parts, the larger...